Monday, February 8, 2010

Philpost Braved The Financial Storm in 2009

The year 2009 proved to be another challenging year for Philpost 6, and thankfully, it experienced no big shakers during the year. It’s not to say that the year passed by rather uneventfully, but at least there were no Franks, no Pepings, no Ondoys, nothing of the sort that would have created huge stumbling blocks on Philpost’s plans and programs.

Still, the global financial crisis continued to rock business of any kind, and that included the communications industry. Philpost 6 was not spared of the effects of the crisis, yet it was unrelenting in its resolve to meet the challenges head-on.

In order to lessen the impact of the crisis, we conducted intensive marketing campaigns of Philpost products and services, most particularly the PID, express pouch and Globe Autoloadmax. We also implemented the Proof of Delivery (POD) system and the rush ID fee. We purchased additional laminating machines so more post offices might be able to provide laminating services and accept rush ID.

We went down to the barangay levels and made personal visits to government offices and private companies for a more personalized service and to bring our products closer to the people.

We also reviewed our dispatch and delivery schemes and came out with programs that enhanced our delivery capability.

All these activities earned us 12 new clients. Our biggest new client, Avon Philippines, avails itself of our ordinary mail with POD service.

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