Ms. Georgette Vee, the
beautiful and energetic Executive Assistant of PHLPost Area 6 Director
Fabiolita P. Ferraris, received the award in behalf of Director Ferraris.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
SPED-Integrated School for Exceptional Children Recognizes PHLPost as Partner in the Betterment of Individuals with Special Needs
In celebration of the National Deaf Awareness Week on November 10-16, 2014, SPED-Integrated School for Exceptional Children, represented by CHIS Coordinator Dorothy S. Tarol, Ph.D., LRGC, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to PHLPost in recognition of its unwavering support to the deaf children and adults in order for them to become useful and productive members of society on November 10, 2014.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Chairman Cesar N. Sarino Makes A Side Trip to PHLPost-6 Administrative Center
“The Post Office has gone a long way.” This was PHLPost Chairman of the Board Cesar N. Sarino’s opening statement during his very short visit to PHLPost-6 Administrative Center on November 17, 2014. Chairman of the Board Cesar N. Sarino was in Iloilo City for a different purpose but took the time to meet with PHLPost Area 6 Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris and other PHLPost 6 officials.
The good chairman said that while it has not been an easy three years, he is happy to note that the “direction PHLPost is heading to has now become clearer”. However, “there is still much to be done”, the Chairman emphasized. For one thing, “the Post Office needs to look competitive”, the reason for the repairs, repainting and face-lifting of Post Offices nationwide.
In Area 6, 30 facelifting and repair projects have been targeted by the end of 2014, and 28 of which have already been completed at the end of the third quarter this year.
Chairman Sarino also stressed the importance of internet connectivity nationwide.
In Area 6, 36 Post Offices now have internet connectivity; 17 Post Offices are now accepting electronic Postal Money Order transactions, 12 Post Offices have Bayad Center outlets, and 24 Post Offices/Post Office Counters can now process walk-in electronic business mails.

Thank you, too, Chairman Sarino!
Monday, November 10, 2014
AD Ferraris Meets with LGU Heads For Possible Business Deals

November 4, 2014. PHLPost 6 Area Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris made personal visits to the local government units of Mina, Dingle, Passi, and San Enrique, to further discuss with the Local Chief Executives the benefits of establishing a Postal Station in the municipality.

“In LGUs which do not have a regular post office, and where delivery services are limited, the LGU-operated postal station can easily meet the mailing needs of the people, while allowing the LGU to generate additional revenues at the same time”, Director Ferraris emphasized.
San Enrique Mayor Ramona Go pledged to start the operation of the Postal Station early next year, while Mina Mayor Rey Grabato requested for more time as he would still need to refer the proposal to the Sangguniang Bayan.
Director Ferraris also paid a visit to Dingle Mayor Rufino Palabrica to request for a municipal-paid employee to be detailed at Dingle Post Office, currently manned by a lone Letter Carrier who is also acting as the Officer-in-Charge.
At the end of the day, Director Ferraris was hopeful that LGU heads would see her business proposal also as a means of furthering partnership with Local Government Units especially in linking people anywhere in the world.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
PHLPost 6 Area Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris Talks About The New Post Office and the Importance of Letter Writing in the Midst of Technological Advances in LGU-Miagao

The invitation of the Chief Executive Officer of the town, Mayor Macario N. Napulan, M.D., was timely, as PHLPost has just celebrated World Post Day by sponsoring simultaneous letter writing activities throughout the country, and will be celebrating Postal Consciousness Week this second week of November. Director Ferraris took the invitation as an opportunity to talk about the importance of writing letters in the midst of technological advances, the importance the postal service brings to the community, as well as the many changes happening in the post office today.
Director Ferraris emphasized that while “emails have proven amazing to business, where bottleneck competitions and survival of the fittest become the name of the games”, such have brought a decline in effective communication where messages are written in short-cut forms, internet slangs, and chat abbreviations. And besides, the same cannot be said of personal correspondence as there is a different kind of excitement upon the receipt of a letter, handwritten on a beautiful stationery, the words emotionally expressed to outpour the mood of the writer.

The beautiful lady director further said that “Letters do not always bring good news, but it concerns you and it is all about you, and that’s what really matters”. And she posed this challenge to everyone: ”It's time now to start writing again! Let us teach and inspire our young generation to appreciate the value of writing not only for sentimental reason but for better communication.”
But, of course, this does not mean that technology will not have a place in PHLPost anymore. In fact, as Director Ferraris said, “many changes are happening in the postal service”, and many of these changes make use of communications technology. PHLPost has now expanded its products and services to include financial servicing and logistics. It now offers electronic money transfers, accepts payments of PHLHealth remittances and bills, and letters, too, can now be tracked and traced in the privacy of homes with the use of the internet. Soon the Postal ID will work like an ATM Machine Card and can be verified online. Director Ferraris encouraged everyone to go and visit the post office now for great things can start at the tip of the writing pen.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Post Offices in Area 6 Get A Facelift
In line with the rebranding of PHLPost, 30 facelifting and repair projects have been targeted this year.
At the end of the third quarter, 28 projects have already been completed. 20 POs in Aklan, Guimaras, Antique, Iloilo, and Capiz are now sporting PHLPost’s signature logo and colors, while 4 POs in Iloilo and Roxas City have undergone repairs of ceiling and leaking roofs. Except for Laua-an, which was repainted through the efforts of Bugasong Postmaster Henry Sevigan (who convinced Mayor Francisco Baladjay, Jr. of LGU-Laua-an to fund the repainting of the post office), the facelifting of the other Post Offices is corporate-funded.
The Training
Rooms in Bacolod City Post Office and Administrative Center were repainted and
renovated in the middle of this year to serve as venue for the Area’s various
training programs, meetings, and conferences. Since its renovation, the
Administrative Center Training Room has already accommodated two training
programs, the orientation on the IPS Tracking and Walk-in eBMS with APMG for
Operations Robert Mondoñedo in August 2014, and the Trainors’ Training on eBMS,
and several meetings with Postmasters and Clusterheads.
At the end of the third quarter, 28 projects have already been completed. 20 POs in Aklan, Guimaras, Antique, Iloilo, and Capiz are now sporting PHLPost’s signature logo and colors, while 4 POs in Iloilo and Roxas City have undergone repairs of ceiling and leaking roofs. Except for Laua-an, which was repainted through the efforts of Bugasong Postmaster Henry Sevigan (who convinced Mayor Francisco Baladjay, Jr. of LGU-Laua-an to fund the repainting of the post office), the facelifting of the other Post Offices is corporate-funded.

The POs new look
is seen to improve corporate image and increase PO visibility, attracting more
customers and generating more revenues in the process.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
PHLPost Area 6’s Best Bets to the Nationwide On-the-Spot Stamp Design Contest
Recognizing the importance of celebrating the visit of Pope Francis in the country, particularly in Yolanda-stricken areas, PHLPost has launched a Nationwide On-the-Spot Stamp Design Contest in two categories, the Student Category and the Professional Category. In Area 6, the contest was held on October 27 and 28, 2014, at Robinson’s Iloilo and Robinson’s Roxas (Capiz), respectively.
Equipped with imagination, 96 students and professional artists were given two hours to interpret the contest theme A Nation of Mercy and Compassion through beautiful artworks. Notable personalities PG Zoluaga (Local Artist and Executive Council Member of NCCA), Liby Limoso (Academic Coordinator for Fine Arts, University of San Agustin), Gerard Habana (Member, Alumni Community Theatre, UPV, and Former President, Theater Arts Guide, UPV), Rodolfo Libiano (Member, Arts Association of Capiz), Mervin Orola (HS Art Teacher), and Narciso Francisco (BS Industrial Ed Major in Architectural Drafting) were invited by PHLPost Area 6 Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris to judge the entries for their originality, relevance to the theme, visual impact, and artistic method/design.
Here are the judges’ best bets:
These winning entries shall be submitted to the Central Office to compete with the winning entries from other Areas, and from which the top two entries in each category shall be selected to be featured in the stamps that will be issued and launched in January 2015, in commemoration of the Papal visit. A special souvenir frame, which shall house the winning designs on stamps, shall be given to the Holy Father.
All entries in Area 6 shall be featured in the forthcoming Philatelic Stamps Exhibit.

Equipped with imagination, 96 students and professional artists were given two hours to interpret the contest theme A Nation of Mercy and Compassion through beautiful artworks. Notable personalities PG Zoluaga (Local Artist and Executive Council Member of NCCA), Liby Limoso (Academic Coordinator for Fine Arts, University of San Agustin), Gerard Habana (Member, Alumni Community Theatre, UPV, and Former President, Theater Arts Guide, UPV), Rodolfo Libiano (Member, Arts Association of Capiz), Mervin Orola (HS Art Teacher), and Narciso Francisco (BS Industrial Ed Major in Architectural Drafting) were invited by PHLPost Area 6 Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris to judge the entries for their originality, relevance to the theme, visual impact, and artistic method/design.
Here are the judges’ best bets:
These winning entries shall be submitted to the Central Office to compete with the winning entries from other Areas, and from which the top two entries in each category shall be selected to be featured in the stamps that will be issued and launched in January 2015, in commemoration of the Papal visit. A special souvenir frame, which shall house the winning designs on stamps, shall be given to the Holy Father.
All entries in Area 6 shall be featured in the forthcoming Philatelic Stamps Exhibit.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
PMG Josie Sorely Missed in PMs Conference
October 24, 2014. 96 Postmasters from the Provinces of Iloilo, Negros Occidental, Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Guimaras, Negros Oriental and Siquijor, traveled by land or by boat, eagerly anticipating what would have been the PMs Conference with PHLPost Postmaster General and CEO Ma. Josefina M. Dela Cruz at Sarabia Manor Hotel, Iloilo City. Sadly, the lady Postmaster General met an accident the day before the conference, and was advised rest by her doctor.
The PM’s Conference proceeded nonetheless, with reports delivered by PHLPost’s big bosses, APMG for AdFIn Maura M. Baghari-Regis, APMG for Operations Robert S. Mondoñedo, APMG for Marketing and Management Support Services Luis D. Carlos, and HRMD Manager Ester V. Cabigao.
APMG Mondoñedo congratulated PHLPost Area 6, headed by Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris, CESO III, for sharing the top spot with Area 3 (Mega Manila) in terms of delivery performance, but strongly emphasized the four aspects of postal operations on which to focus the vision of the new PO, and these are counter services, processing, delivery, and return of information.
APMG Carlos delivered the good news that PHLPost is growing and expanding its business with Pinoy eMall, an e-Commerce website that makes it possible to buy and sell philatelic stamps and Pinoy products proudly made and produced in various municipalities all over the Philippines.
PHLPost is also offering private individuals and barangays an opportunity to engage in the postal business through the establishment of a Postal Station, which requires an initial payment of only P 15,000.00-P 20,000.00 representing accreditation fee. Postal Stations shall help augment postal presence in the area, with the end in view of delivering more efficient and effective public service.
APMG Carlos promised more projects to boost revenue generation in the coming years, and appealed for the support and cooperation of the Postmasters, considering the huge financial target to be met by the Area in 2015. He also assured a stronger Marketing Team next year to back up the marketing efforts of the area.
HRMD Manager Esther Cabigao took the podium next, explaining, among others, the guidelines of the qualification to the Performance-Based Bonus, and the Huwarang Lingkod Koreo, which aims to give due recognition to the best-performing officials and employees of PHLPost .
At the end of a sumptuous lunch, the PM’s conference continued with APMG for Administration and Finance Regis’s report. APMG Regis cited PHLPost Area 6 as one of the Top 3 Areas in Overall Performance, combining Delivery Performance, Revenue Attainment, Net Income Realized, Minimizing Complaints, and Compliance with Directives. However, she appealed for more efforts in order to achieve or at the very least come close to achieving the revenue target.
After APMG Regis’ talk, a character building session ensued with Bishop Jonel Milan, founder and president of K4 Philippines Intercessors Movement, and who has been delivering inspirational talks to people in the Philippines and beyond. The two-hour session taught Postmasters to re-focus, to help them achieve success in the workplace as well as in their personal life.
Merrymaking @ Sarabia Hotel
Later that evening, guests and Postmasters were treated to a Hawaiian party, with garlands and leis giving the venue a festive feel. Postmasters prepared special numbers for the guests, featuring, in many cases, what the province they are representing is known for, like the Ati-Atihan Festival in Kalibo and Masskara Festival in Bacolod City.
Contingents from Capiz danced to the upbeat music of Roxas City; PMs from Antique Province sang the Antique Provincial Theme Song, while PMs from Negros Oriental and Siquijor sang the hymn of Dumaguete City.
There were two dance numbers from the PMs in Iloilo Province, showing their flexibility and alertness. The last number came from the staff of the Administrative Center, whose musical performance featured the different product lines of PHLPost – letters and packages, logistics, and postal payment.

The program ended at 9:00 in the evening, and while the presence of our beloved Postmaster General Ma. Josefina M. Dela Cruz was sorely missed that day, the dancing and the merrymaking continued till the wee hours of the morning.
The PM’s Conference proceeded nonetheless, with reports delivered by PHLPost’s big bosses, APMG for AdFIn Maura M. Baghari-Regis, APMG for Operations Robert S. Mondoñedo, APMG for Marketing and Management Support Services Luis D. Carlos, and HRMD Manager Ester V. Cabigao.
APMG Mondoñedo congratulated PHLPost Area 6, headed by Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris, CESO III, for sharing the top spot with Area 3 (Mega Manila) in terms of delivery performance, but strongly emphasized the four aspects of postal operations on which to focus the vision of the new PO, and these are counter services, processing, delivery, and return of information.
APMG Carlos delivered the good news that PHLPost is growing and expanding its business with Pinoy eMall, an e-Commerce website that makes it possible to buy and sell philatelic stamps and Pinoy products proudly made and produced in various municipalities all over the Philippines.
PHLPost is also offering private individuals and barangays an opportunity to engage in the postal business through the establishment of a Postal Station, which requires an initial payment of only P 15,000.00-P 20,000.00 representing accreditation fee. Postal Stations shall help augment postal presence in the area, with the end in view of delivering more efficient and effective public service.
APMG Carlos promised more projects to boost revenue generation in the coming years, and appealed for the support and cooperation of the Postmasters, considering the huge financial target to be met by the Area in 2015. He also assured a stronger Marketing Team next year to back up the marketing efforts of the area.
HRMD Manager Esther Cabigao took the podium next, explaining, among others, the guidelines of the qualification to the Performance-Based Bonus, and the Huwarang Lingkod Koreo, which aims to give due recognition to the best-performing officials and employees of PHLPost .
At the end of a sumptuous lunch, the PM’s conference continued with APMG for Administration and Finance Regis’s report. APMG Regis cited PHLPost Area 6 as one of the Top 3 Areas in Overall Performance, combining Delivery Performance, Revenue Attainment, Net Income Realized, Minimizing Complaints, and Compliance with Directives. However, she appealed for more efforts in order to achieve or at the very least come close to achieving the revenue target.
After APMG Regis’ talk, a character building session ensued with Bishop Jonel Milan, founder and president of K4 Philippines Intercessors Movement, and who has been delivering inspirational talks to people in the Philippines and beyond. The two-hour session taught Postmasters to re-focus, to help them achieve success in the workplace as well as in their personal life.
Merrymaking @ Sarabia Hotel
Later that evening, guests and Postmasters were treated to a Hawaiian party, with garlands and leis giving the venue a festive feel. Postmasters prepared special numbers for the guests, featuring, in many cases, what the province they are representing is known for, like the Ati-Atihan Festival in Kalibo and Masskara Festival in Bacolod City.
Contingents from Capiz danced to the upbeat music of Roxas City; PMs from Antique Province sang the Antique Provincial Theme Song, while PMs from Negros Oriental and Siquijor sang the hymn of Dumaguete City.
There were two dance numbers from the PMs in Iloilo Province, showing their flexibility and alertness. The last number came from the staff of the Administrative Center, whose musical performance featured the different product lines of PHLPost – letters and packages, logistics, and postal payment.

The program ended at 9:00 in the evening, and while the presence of our beloved Postmaster General Ma. Josefina M. Dela Cruz was sorely missed that day, the dancing and the merrymaking continued till the wee hours of the morning.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
PHLPost Inks Deal with MIWD As Collecting Agent of Water Bills
PHLPost is now an accredited collecting agent of MIWD! MIWD-6 tapped PHLPost Area 6 as one of its collecting agents for its water bills, and an agreement, signed by duly authorized representatives , Area Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris, CESO III for PHLPost, and General Manager Amarylis Josephine C. Castro for MIWD, was finalized on September 4, 2014.
Effective September 2014, MIWD consumers in Iloilo City, Oton, Cabatuan, Maasin, Sta. Barbara, Pavia, San Miguel, and Leganes can now pay their water bills at the following Post Offices: Iloilo City Post Office Jaro Post Office West Visayas State University Post Office Sta. Barbara Post Office Maasin Post Office Leganes Post Office Molo Post Office Pavia Post Office Cabatuan Post Office Oton Post Office
Only full payments of the current bill shall be accepted upon presentation of the MIWD Statement of Account from Monday-Friday (excluding Holidays), 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. MIWD consumers shall be issued Acknowledgement Receipts as proof of their payment.
Effective September 2014, MIWD consumers in Iloilo City, Oton, Cabatuan, Maasin, Sta. Barbara, Pavia, San Miguel, and Leganes can now pay their water bills at the following Post Offices: Iloilo City Post Office Jaro Post Office West Visayas State University Post Office Sta. Barbara Post Office Maasin Post Office Leganes Post Office Molo Post Office Pavia Post Office Cabatuan Post Office Oton Post Office
Only full payments of the current bill shall be accepted upon presentation of the MIWD Statement of Account from Monday-Friday (excluding Holidays), 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. MIWD consumers shall be issued Acknowledgement Receipts as proof of their payment.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
LC Skills Enhancement Program: Empowering the Letter Carriers

Monday, August 25, 2014
PHLPost In the Age of Technology

Yes, PHLPost is taking advantage of technology by upgrading its products and services to suit current trends and for the convenience of its mailing patrons.
Here are some of the things to expect in the coming days:
• eBMS for walk-in clients. Individual mailing patrons may now enjoy the electronic business mail service, one of the newest offerings of PHLPost that used to be limited to bulk mailers. This type of service gives clients the opportunity to track and trace their mails 24/7 from posting to delivery. This service is mandatory for all Domestic Registered Mails.
• Go-Online. Individual and Bulk Mailers may apply for a Go-Online Account, allowing them to encode the details of their mails online and print their Certificates of Mailing right in the comfort of their homes/offices.
• Mechanized Sorting of Mails. Electronic sorting machines will be deployed in mail distribution centers in Area 6, and these are expected to hasten the dispatch and consequently the delivery of mails to the intended recipients.
The first batch of Post Offices to offer these online services are:
1) Iloilo City PO
2) Bacolod City PO
3) Dumaguete City PO
4) Kalibo PO
5) San Jose Antique PO
6) Roxas City PO
7) Jaro PO
8) Robinsons Iloilo PO
9) Robinsons Roxas PO
10) San Carlos PO
11) SM City PO
12) Miagao PO
13) Victorias PO
14) Talisay PO
15) Pototan PO
16) Cabatuan PO

18) Janiauay PO
19) Barotac Viejo PO
20) Sta. Barbara PO
21) Leganes PO
22) Passi City PO
23) Maasin PO
24) Tigbauan PO
25) Dumangas PO
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
New Appointees Bolster PHLPost Area 6 Workforce
PHLPost Area 6 takes another step to progress with the approval of the appointments of Postmaster General and CEO Ma. Josefina M. De la Cruz, duly validated by the Civil Service Commission, of the following employees of Area 6:
1) Virgilio Tonete, Postal Service Officer I 2) Georgina S. Gadaya, Postmaster I 3) Leah Mae C. Calosing, Postmaster I 4) Niño Angelo T. Yabut, Postmaster I 5) Jayson Zaldarriaga, Postmaster I 6) Luz Alexis D. Planco, Postal Teller II 7) Felicia Sherry L. Dela Cruz, Postal Teller I 8) Catherine G. Cordova, Postal Teller I 9) Dorothy Mae B. Sapio, Postal Teller I 10) Reyna Lyn T. Sorongon, Postal Teller I 11) Poncio S. Magtagad, Postal Teller I 12) Alger L. Rose, Letter Carrier 13) Dexie Marc B. Sucgang, Letter Carrier 14) Leody O. Ordaniel, Letter Carrier 15) Alwin S. Patubo, Letter Carrier 16) Carlota Jane N. Caillo, Clerk III 17) Jeremy D. Sartorio, Clerk III 18) Al Bryan Coloquim, Clerk III
Except for Virgilio Tonete, who was promoted from Postmaster I to Postal Service Officer I, the rest of the appointees have been serving the corporation on contract-of-service basis only. Hence the regularization of the status of their employment, recommended by PHLPost Area 6 Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris, CESO III, is seen as a strong motivational force for them to function better with the end in view of assisting the corporation achieve its targets.
1) Virgilio Tonete, Postal Service Officer I 2) Georgina S. Gadaya, Postmaster I 3) Leah Mae C. Calosing, Postmaster I 4) Niño Angelo T. Yabut, Postmaster I 5) Jayson Zaldarriaga, Postmaster I 6) Luz Alexis D. Planco, Postal Teller II 7) Felicia Sherry L. Dela Cruz, Postal Teller I 8) Catherine G. Cordova, Postal Teller I 9) Dorothy Mae B. Sapio, Postal Teller I 10) Reyna Lyn T. Sorongon, Postal Teller I 11) Poncio S. Magtagad, Postal Teller I 12) Alger L. Rose, Letter Carrier 13) Dexie Marc B. Sucgang, Letter Carrier 14) Leody O. Ordaniel, Letter Carrier 15) Alwin S. Patubo, Letter Carrier 16) Carlota Jane N. Caillo, Clerk III 17) Jeremy D. Sartorio, Clerk III 18) Al Bryan Coloquim, Clerk III
Except for Virgilio Tonete, who was promoted from Postmaster I to Postal Service Officer I, the rest of the appointees have been serving the corporation on contract-of-service basis only. Hence the regularization of the status of their employment, recommended by PHLPost Area 6 Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris, CESO III, is seen as a strong motivational force for them to function better with the end in view of assisting the corporation achieve its targets.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Domestic Electronic Postal Money Order Now Available in 25 Post Offices in Area 6
Clients desiring faster, more secure, and more efficient means of sending cash around the country may now do so via PHLPOst’s Domestic Electronic Postal Money Order System, a web-based application that simplifies and facilitates the process of sending and receiving cash.
Currently, there are 176 Postal Outlets all over the Philippines where clients can make ePMO transactions. In Area 6, ePOSTMo is available in 25 Post Offices:
1) Iloilo City Post Office, Aduana St., Iloilo City
2) Jaro Post Office, Jaro, Iloilo City
3) Passi City Post Office, Passi City, Iloilo
4) Robinsons Iloilo, Iloilo City
5) Oton Post Office, Oton, Iloilo
6) Cabatuan Post Office, Cabatuan, Iloilo
7) Leganes Post Office, Leganes, Iloilo
8) Pavia Post Office, Pavia, Iloilo
9) Pototan Post Office, Pototan, Iloilo
10) Tigbauan Post Office, Tigbauan, Iloilo
11) Dumangas Post Office, Dumangas, Iloilo
12) Miagao Post Office, Miagao, Iloilo
13) Janiuay Post Office, Janiuay, Iloilo
14) Sta. Barbara Post Office, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo
15) San Jose Post Office, San Jose, Antique
16) Roxas City Post Office, Roxas City, Capiz
17) Robinsons Roxas, Roxas City, Capiz
18) Bacolod City Post Office, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
19) Talisay City Post Office, Talisay City, Negros Occidental
20) Victorias City Post Office, Victorias City, Negros Occidental
21) Bago City Post Office, Bago City, Negros Occidental
22) La Carlota City Post Office, La Carlota, Negros Occidental
23) San Carlos City Post Office, San Carlos, Negros Occidental
24) Kalibo Post Office, Kalibo, Aklan
25) Dumaguete Post Office, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
Our Rates
Our Competitive Edge …
PHLPost offers clients the option to have the cash delivered right to the doorstep of their recipients for an additional fee of only P 100.00. This gives the recipients the convenience of receiving their cash without leaving the comfort of their
Our Rates
Our Competitive Edge …
Sunday, August 3, 2014
PHLPost Area 6 Implements New Rates for Domestic Ordinary Mails
This July, 2014, PHLPost Area 6 started implementing the new Postage Rates for Domestic Ordinary Mails which have been rationalized to cope with the increase in operational costs, approved through PHLPost Board Resolution No. 2014-31 dated May 8, 2014.

While PHLPost maintains its ordinary mail services, PHLPost Area 6 Director Fabiolita P. Ferraris, CESO III, strongly encourages clients, especially those in the business sector, to avail themselves of PhlPost’s premium domestic mail services, such as the Express Pouch, Domestic Express Mail, and Registered Mail with Return Receipt. For Government Agencies and private companies that require assurance and proof that their mails reach their clients, Director Ferraris highly recommends PHLPOst’s electronic Business Mail Service, which provides clients with a customer ID and password, allowing them to track and trace the status of their mails 24/7.
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